Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So how far is Pfleger going to take this?

Per CWNews:

A controversial priest has resumed his pastoral duties in Chicago, vowing, "I'm not changing," after a 2-week leave imposed by Cardinal Francis George.

Looks like he's really learned his lesson there. The ball now reverts to the court of Cardinal George. Will he exhibit any sort of testicular fortitude at all?

And what of Fr. Pfleger if His Eminence does decide to take disciplinary actions? Will he go for full-blown schism? Are we looking at the next Milingo here? And how many of his flock will he decide to take down this road of sin simply to satisfy his own arrogance and pride?

It's weird. Think of what this guy would be getting fifty years ago. Censure at the very least. A hundred years ago, he would be exiled to some far off nowhere and never heard from again. Two hundred plus years ago, he'd be looking at life in a monastary with rigorous corporal penances. This is all if he escaped an outright excom.

These days, we are seriously left to wonder if anything will be done at all.


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