Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Feast of the Golden-Worded

Today is the feast for one of our lesser known Doctors of the Church. St. Peter Chrysologus was the bishop of Ravenna back in the early to mid-5th century. He was a good friend of Pope Leo the Great. When the Monophysite heresy broke out into full ferocity, he was actually condemned by a synod in Constantinople for failing to back the heretics. This was a few years before the Council of Chalcedon.

His nickname, Chrysologus, meaning "golden-worded," was given as a tribute for his marvelous sermons, over a hundred of which are still around these days.

Here's one remark that was sent in response to Eutyches, the chief of the Monophysite dissenters, who was looking for Peter to back him against the orthodoxy of Pope Leo. Perhaps Fr. McBrien could take note:

We exhort you, honorable brother, to listen obediently to what was written by the blessed pope of the city of Rome, for Blessed Peter, who lives and presides in his own see, provides the truth of faith to those who seek it.

St. Peter Chrysologus, pray for us.

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