Saturday, April 4, 2009

Northwestern Indiana Humanist University

That's what Bishop Doran of Rockford, Il suggested as the new name for Notre Dame. This is probably the harshest assessment that we've seen to this point. The Cardinal Newman Society has the full text of His Excellency's letter to Fr. Jenkins:

I would ask that you rescind this unfortunate decision and so avoid dishonoring the practicing Catholics of the United States, including those of this Diocese. Failing that, please have the decency to change the name of the University to something like, “The Fighting Irish College” or “Northwestern Indiana Humanist University.”

That's pretty bad, but +Doran isn't done yet:

Though promotion of the obscene is not foreign to you, I would point out that it is truly obscene for you to take such decisions as you have done in a university named for our Blessed Lady, whom the Second Vatican Council called the Mother of the Church.

Which brings up another point. There's a lot of crap being peddled right now by folks asserting that it's almost an obligation for ND to invite the Obamas of the world to speak. Obviously, ND is supposed to be a school devoted to the Blessed Virgin. Does anybody really think that the Mother of God wants to provide such people wth a forum?

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