This looks to be the final countdown of bishops who have opposed the Obama invite. God bless these brave shepherds.
Bishop Campbell of Columbus, OH:
It is important to understand why such a decision has occasioned such controversy. As a Catholic institution, Notre Dame lives its academic life within a particular context. It seeks to pursue truth, in its many and various disciplines, with the understanding that all truth ultimately derives from God and is oriented toward the enhancement of human dignity from conception to natural death and beyond. Every human person possesses a destiny that stretches into eternity.
I believe that Bishop D’Arcy’s decision not to attend the commencement (for the first time in years) is a proper one and morally courageous. I pray that Our Blessed Lady, under whose patronage the University of Notre Dame was founded, will assist by her prayers the university’s more authentic understanding of its identity as a Catholic institution.
Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit:
No comments available. :-(
Archbishop Robert Carlson of St. Louis:
Notre Dame has to figure out who they are — are they of the culture, or are they of the church?
Whatever process they used was flawed. I would say the university really has to sit down — its board, its administration — and reflect on what its role is, and what they're going to be.
Bishop Emeritus John Yanta of Amarillo:
God has been very good to Notre Dame and more and more, gradually, you have "forgotten God's deeds," you choose "to be a defiant and rebellious race," your heart is "fickle," you "forget the things He has done," and "you have failed to keep God's covenant and would not walk according to His law." Psalm 78 is "a didactic Psalm drawing savatory lessons from Israel's history."
In conscience I can no longer support Notre Dame as a Catholic College. I am deeply offended how you treat my wife of 54 years, the Church I love whose head is Jesus Christ.
Blessed Mother Teresa said: "Do you think that God is going to bless a nation that kills its unborn babies?" Do you think God is going to continue blessing Notre Dame?
Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs:
I have read your apologia in defense of your action. It is not convincing. Your attempt to justify your invitation by appealing to the title of the 2004 publication of the USCCB is little more than an exercise in legalism. We Catholics must be about the business of standing unambiguously and always on the side of life. Regardless of the title of the document, Notre Dame, arguably the premier Catholic university in the United States, has sent a message to countless Catholics that you will not take this stance. I am convinced that this will prove to be most unfortunate for the university and for the faith of many, many Catholics. And your invitation to the president speaks far more loudly than your disclaimer that you disagree with him on the life issues.
Bishop Donald Trautman of Erie, PA:
The Golden Dome of Notre Dame, the long revered symbol of a Catholic university, will be disgraced and dishonored on this coming May 17th, the commencement day of the university. On that day the leaders of the university are giving a platform and honorary degree to an individual who is a relentless advocate of unrestricted abortion: President Obama.
Many loyal alumni, students, and faculty will continually pray the rosary in reparation at the Notre Dame Grotto during the graduation. They will give witness of what the real Notre Dame is all about. What should be a day of joyous celebration for graduates and their families will be a day of shame and dilemma as the university leadership moves away from its rich Catholic tradition.
And lest anyone think we don't give equal time here, Archbishop Quinn of San Francisco has actually spoken in support of the invitation. +Quinn's letter begins by praising Obama for being the first black president (with some ridiculous embellishment comparing the event to the fall of the Berlin Wall). He also congratulates the president for having a good family life. Then, we have this:
It strikes me that you have shown a measured, thoughtful approach to issues of public concern and your ability to listen to and weigh views different from your own is an asset to the discharge of your high responsibilities. This admirable quality inspires hope for further dialog on issues over which there are major differences.
I'm not sure how we got to Fantasyland here, but +Quinn really needs to slow his roll here and review Obama's record on life issues. I repeat, the man claims that he doesn't know when life begins but is still enthusiastically supporting increased access to abortions. This is either hypocritical or utterly reckless. There is no middle ground.
*headdesk* Only one bishop from California says anything, and it's that. Figures.