“Let’s be clear: this law is not a law, although it is presented as such by some politicians and lawmakers. It is no law because nobody has the right to take the life of an innocent human being. For this reason it is not obligatory. Moreover, it demands direct opposition without distinction,” the archbishop said in a letter.
He underscored that reason cannot recognize abortion as a right because it constitutes the killing “of a person who is not guilty.” “The right of a person to exist who has already been conceived, although not yet born, is not a belief stemming from any religion. One does not need to be a believer to hold that an innocent person has the right to be defended and respected in his or her integrity. Common sense dictates that one cannot take a human life in order to solve another problem or to “get money or votes,” he said.
This all leads back to our frequent point here that nobody seems to know what the hell a right actually is anymore. You can't have a right to do something that is evil. It's a weird development that the law proclaims a right to say whatever one wants, despite its vulgarity, yet blesses the murder of innocents.
Moreover, such rights can't be invented or fabricated by acts of legislative authority.
“The fallacy consists in giving politicians, judges or citizens a right they do not have. And nobody has the right to legislate the killing of an innocent person,” Archbishop Gil Hellin said. He urged Spaniards to help all mothers who are in difficult situations and to support motherhood “with all the means at our disposal” in order to “halt this plague of abortion that, in Spain alone has already destroyed more people than all those who live in the cities of Zaragoza, Cordoba and Burgos.”
If someone wants to claim to the contrary, let me just go ahead and zap straight through to Godwin's Law. If legislation and/or the popular will is the determinative factor for rights, then what obstructs the gassing of Jews or the extermination of Tutsis?
I wonder what the repercussions will be for His Excellency in making such statements. We've already seen what happened with Cardinal Ouellet. If this was the US, I'm sure he would be denounced on the floor of House and Senate, condemned by the President, blasted by the news media, and probably arrested if he followed through with his comments.
At least some Spanish bishops are still have a pair. I live in the country next door and our bishops tend to be quite silent when they're not openly proclaiming heresy in the media.