Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sacrosanctum Concilium, Parentheses

I know it's been 5 months-ish since I last hit the series on SC. I will be getting back to it. I promise.

In the interim, check out this bit from Rorate Caeli regarding Archbishop Koch's comments on what the Council actually intended:

All those things that some people say that was new after the Second Vatican Council were not a theme of the Constitution on the Liturgy [Sacrosanctum Concilium]. For instance, celebrating the Eucharist facing the faithful was never an object of Tradition. The Tradition had always meant celebrating facing East, because that was the position of the resurrection. In Saint Peter's Basilica, the celebration took place facing the people for a long time because that was the direction facing East. The second thing was the vernacular language. The Council wished that Latin remain the language of the liturgy.

Yet all those very deep, fundamental, things of the liturgical Constitution, are still ignored by many. For instance, the entire liturgy and the Paschal liturgy. The Easter of mystery, of death, and of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One cannot celebrate the Paschal [mystery] without sacrifice, and that is the theme that is mentioned in theology. Because the Constitution on Revelation [Dei Verbum] is not yet known in the Church either.
We still have much to do in order to receive the Council.

Never forget this stuff when folks are claiming that "Vatican II changed all that."

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