The latest government bureaucracy is an arm of the State Department. The Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives is described as follows:
The Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives is the State Department’s portal for engagement with religious leaders and organizations around the world. Headed by Special Advisor Shaun Casey, the office reaches out to faith-based communities to ensure that their voices are heard in the policy process, and it works with those communities to advance U.S. diplomacy and development objectives. In accordance with the U.S. Strategy on Religious Leader and Faith Community Engagement, the office guarantees that engagement with faith-based communities is a priority for Department bureaus and for posts abroad, and helps equip our foreign and civil service officers with the skills necessary to engage faith-communities effectively and respectfully. The office collaborates regularly with other government officials and offices focused on religious issues, including the Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, the Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom, and the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Sounds like a propaganda machine. Outside of John Kerry, who has had no difficulty declaring that he has no king but Caesar, the boss of this operation is a guy named Shaun Casey. For those who don't know Mr. Casey, he was at the forefront of trying to get President Obama out of the Jeremiah Wright hot water back in 2008, even going so far as to compare the Wright/Obama situation with JFK's Catholicism.
He's also expressed delight that "American civil religion is dying" and affirms that he and Secretary Kerry share the same belief that religion cannot "save and solve everything." Think about all this in light of anything you've heard Pope Francis say. Or Pope Benedict. Or any other Vicar of Christ. I'll let Pius XI sum it up:
If the kingdom of Christ, then, receives, as it should, all nations under its way, there seems no reason why we should despair of seeing that peace which the King of Peace came to bring on earth - he who came to reconcile all things, who came not to be ministered unto but to minister, who, though Lord of all, gave himself to us as a model of humility, and with his principal law united the precept of charity; who said also: "My yoke is sweet and my burden light." Oh, what happiness would be Ours if all men, individuals, families, and nations, would but let themselves be governed by Christ! "Then at length," to use the words addressed by our predecessor, Pope Leo XIII, twenty-five years ago to the bishops of the Universal Church, "then at length will many evils be cured; then will the law regain its former authority; peace with all its blessings be restored. Men will sheathe their swords and lay down their arms when all freely acknowledge and obey the authority of Christ, and every tongue confesses that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father."
Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas
I'm guessing we'll see our fair share of hostility from this newest tentacle of Leviathan. We'll also see a decent share of capitulation in the name of dialogue.
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