Thursday, November 21, 2013

And They All Shamble On

The Anglican Death March continues. While not on the prowl for brains, they are looking for women bishops. In an odd twist, if they had more brains, they would have noticed that such a thing is impossible. It's been a long time coming for the Anglos. We had mentioned last November how women bishops had been voted down again, despite Archlayman Welby's push to get it done.

Per Zenit, this just might be Welby's year:

The Church of England's ruling body has voted in favour of proposals which could allow the ordination of women bishops next year.

Members of the general synod passed a motion with a majority of 378 to eight, with 25 abstentions.

It paves the way for endorsement of women bishops alongside a "declaration" by bishops setting out guidance for parishes which reject female ministry, the BBC reported.

Last year, the synod failed to agree on the legislation by just six votes.

Of course, this is really just an argument over who gets to wear the mitre when they are invited for dress-up on Sundays. The Anglican Communion ceased to have any doctrinal substance a long, long time ago.

Once it’s fully approved, the motion would go before the House of Lords. British Prime Minister David Cameron is a firm backer of the proposal and believes it will ensure the Church of England of “its place as a modern church, in touch with our society.” 

Cameron actually seems to think that Anglicanism still means something and that it deserves to have its status enhanced by such politically correct hufflepuffery. How sadly delusional.

Parts of the Anglican Communion already have women bishops but as the Church of England is considered the "mother church" of the ecclesial community, the move is seen as more significant, especially in terms of ecumenism. 

Yeah, it's significant all right. It will go a long way into killing any further faux rapprochement between Catholicism (and Orthodoxy for that matter) and Anglicanism. On the bright side, such ecclesiastically seismic events as this are often successful in waking people up. Perhaps we'll see some more ordinariates arising when this particular bit of poo hits the fan. God brings good out of evil.

Meanwhile, the Barque of the Tudors sinks ever lower into the mire of its heresy and schism.

St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, please pray for these poor souls.

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