Friday, November 8, 2013

Lest Anyone Think That Islam Has A Monopoly On Persecution

Try talking to one of our brethren that lives in Israel. Unless its pandering to the Hagees of the world in an effort to Judaize Christianity, garner political influence, or keep the tourist industry up, there isn't a lot of charity from the Holy Land.

Consider the following from Zenit:

Latin Patriarch Deplores Israeli Demolition of a Church Property

The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem has protested against Israel’s demolition of a Church-owned property in East Jerusalem, saying it was a breach of international law and an act of vandalism that eroded chances for peace.

“This act is against the law, against justice and against humanity, against any ideology upon which peace can be built and increases segregation and hate,” Patriarch Fouad Twal told journalists at the site of the demolition Nov. 5.

Israeli security forces and bulldozers arrived at the house early Monday morning claiming it had been built without a permit, according to its residents, a Muslim family of 14. The family is now residing in a tent belonging to the Red Cross.

Patriarch Twal said the property, located on the south eastern edge of the city close to Bethlehem, was built before 1967 when Israel seized East Jerusalem from the Arabs in the Six-Day War.

Archbishop Twal said the patriarchate did not receive prior orders for the demolition. “This is holy land and always will be, and the interior ministry, the [Jerusalem] municipality and Israeli organisations knew it belonged to the patriarchate,” he said.

A quick google search about Christians being spit on all the time will probably yield you plenty of references to that particular habit.

Or how about this gem of a guy as reported by the Christian Science Monitor?

Ovadia Yosef, an ultra-orthodox Sephardic Israeli rabbi whose popularity among religious Israelis, particularly those whose families came to Israel from the Arab world, led to the creation of the Shas movement and a hard lurch right in Israeli politics, is being praised throughout Israel after his passing today. 

Hundreds of thousands of his supporters took the streets of Jerusalem to mourn. Former Israeli President Shimon Peres visited with Mr. Yosef at his hospital bedside just hours before he passed, tenderly kissing his hand and forehead, according to The Jerusalem Post. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement issued by his office, spoke of his "profound grief" and said that "the Jewish People have lost one of the wisest men of his generation."


For instance, in 2010 he said in a weekly Saturday night sermon that the sole purpose God put non-Jews on earth was to be servants to Jews.

"Goyim (gentiles, non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel," he said, according to the Jerusalem Post. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created." An "effendi" is a lord, or a master, in Arabic.

Yosef also favored the large number of ultra-Orthodox men who eschew modern education, focus only on Torah study, and are exempted from military service in Israel while largely subsisting on government handouts.

It was his comments about non-Jews that were the ugliest. In 2010 he said of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and the people he leads that "all these evil people should perish from this world. God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians."

On Arabs in general, he said in 2001, "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable." In 2009 he said of Muslims "their religion is as ugly as they are."

Oh, and just for laughs, here was the reaction of the US Ambassador to Israel when our good friend Ovadia passed away.

“Rav Ovadia Yosef was a spiritual leader to hundreds of thousands, if not more, a great learner [of Torah] and a wise and learned man, a father to an impressive family and an important contributor to the society and politics of the state of Israel,” US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro says in a statement released in Hebrew.

“Today in Jerusalem and all across Israel, his supporters and followers mourn him,” he added. “To them, and first and foremost to his beloved family, I send my condolences. May his memory be blessed.”

Yep, we were fortunate to have a pal like him.

Anyways, just thought it was worth pointing out given how much of Protestantism has fallen under the unfortunate spell of Judaizing and how we so often hear about how Israel is our ally.

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