Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Whither the Hate?

You've probably seen this by now, but it's new to me, so I'm just now getting it up here for comment. This is a newsclip from election night that focuses on California's vote on Proposition 8. This was the initiative to ban homosexual marriage. Observe, and please watch for the entire three minutes.

Not exactly marching on Washington and singing "We Shall Overcome," is it? I suppose we shouldn't be all that surprised with the trampling of the Cross. I'm ashamed that I can type that sentence. Still, you could have seen that coming from a mile away.

I must admit to complete awe at the stupidity of the anchorman, though. "Hate on both sides"? Really? The old lady walking around with the Cross was hateful? So hateful that you could make an equivalence between her activities and a crowd of assailants shoving her around and stomping on the sign of the world's redemption? I certainly hope this newsman lost his job. He might be outstanding at reading a teleprompter, but he's clearly far too stupid to be allowed access to a public forum.

The weird part about this for the homosexual marriage proponents is that they are obstinately refusing to see a very obvious Truth that the Church has taught for centuries. If you succumb to the secular nonsense that rights come from the citizenry or the government, you have no rational argument when your claim to a right is denied or rescinded. You have left your status to the will/whim of the masses or the elected officials. What is needed is an objective source of rights that transcends whatever might be the fancy of those in authority. Modern secularism, having rejected even the most primitive notion of natural law, lacks this objective principle. Yet they still gripe and complain and do violence over phantom violations of alleged rights that they have no basis to claim.

And somehow, we Catholics are labeled as the stupid, backward, and unenlightened ones.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You wrote that when you fail to recognize that rights are from God and rather insist "that rights come from the citizenry or the government" then you "have no rational argument when your claim to a right is denied or rescinded"

    There is a flaw in your understanding of the American system of law. California law is not based on the rights endowed to humans by God. It is not a theocracy. But it is also not based on pure democracy. California law is based on the rights upheld by the state and the nation as outlined by the constitutions of the State and the nation.

    According to the constitutional experts of California, the right to marry in California is derived from the rights of equality and privacy. These two rights allow straight couples to enter into the contract of marriage (the state obviously does not confer sacraments). It also (used to) allow gay men and lesbian women to enter into the same contracts.

    The constitution was set up so that a clear majority could NOT take away a minority's rights, as was done in the election. A clear majority negates the entire purpose of "rule of law" and becomes "mob rule". Arguing that the majority does NOT have the power to remove the rights of the minority is the basis of American Civil Society, and those arguing for gay marriage argue from that very standpoint. Remove this idea and you remove the experiment that is America.
