Friday, April 29, 2011

Perhaps It's Time That ND End The Charade

At this point, the powers that be there really look like they are just presiding as hypocrites.

During the March 2011 meeting of the University of Notre Dame Faculty Senate, a resolution failed that would have offered the Senate’s affirmation of the University’s commitment to the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of human life. According to the minutes of that meeting, eight senators were in favor of the resolution and 22 were against it.

The resolution text placed the proposed faculty support in the broader context of the University of Notre Dame’s pro-life initiatives over the course of the past two years. The resolution mentioned how Notre Dame adopted its Institutional Statement Supporting the Choice for Life on April 8, 2010, and how Fr. Jenkins responded to a recommendation of the Task Force on Supporting the Choice for Life by creating the position of Coordinator for University Life Initiatives.

If anyone is curious, yes, Obama's role was mentioned, and for some, it seems to be of more significance than that of Jesus Christ.

Finally, one senator said that this resolution, if approved, would be perceived as a reprisal for the Senate’s 2009 endorsement of Father Jenkins’ invitation to President Obama, adding that he was opposed to the resolution for that reason.

What with Cardinal George's actions in Chicago, maybe Bishop Rhoades will finally pull the plug and make sure everyone understands that ND as an institution has pretty much abandoned any semblance of Catholicism.

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