Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What's Worse Than A Water Park Mass?

I had expressed some reservations about the recently announced water park Mass by the bishop of Honolulu. Boniface and Unam Sanctam made a similar posting. Fortunately, the world has a knack of bringing things into perspective so that you don't lose sight of what's important. In this case, we're reminded of where our real enemies are.

What's worse than a water park Mass?

A Masonic Mass.

Rorate had this story first, and Fr. Zuhlsdorf has picked it up from there.

Really, I mean, what the hell?


  1. Only for the record: the original source is this: http://fratresinunum.com/2012/08/24/missa-dia-do-macom/
    the brazilian news blog Fratres in Unum. But I guess the Rorate gave the first translation of it in English language. And, it's outrageous...
