Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ra's Al Gore And Population Control

Al Gore has confirmed that that the Earth's levels of non-white people are rising at alarming rates, per CNBC:

Stopping overpopulation is one way the dangers of climate change can be mitigated, according to two of the most prominent believers in global warming.

Former Vice President Al Gore and Microsoft founder Bill Gates said at the World Economic Forum in Davos that contraception is a key in controlling the proliferation of unusual weather they say is endangering the world.

"Depressing the rate of child mortality, educating girls, empowering women and making fertility management ubiquitously available ... is crucial to the future shape of human civilization," said Gore, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his work on global warming.

Gore said Africa's population is expected to surpass India's and China's by the mid-21st century and will be more than both combined by the end of the century.

Here are some inconvenient truths for Al from Zenit:

Recent years have seen a dramatic decline in the number of children being born, according to a new report from the United Nations.

The “World Fertility Report 2012" was published earlier this year by the population division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The data covers the period from 1970 to recent times.

“Fertility has declined worldwide to unprecedented levels since the 1970s,” the report stated. In fact, fertility fell in all but 6 of the 186 countries that the United Nations surveyed.

The trend to lower fertility is accelerating. The report noted that in the most recent period covered, 80 countries or areas had a total fertility below 2.1 children per woman, which is the level required to ensure the replacement of the current population level.

The population division observed that quite a number of countries have “remarkably low total fertility.” There are 20 countries with fertility that is below 1.4 children per women and 38 countries with fertility below 1.6 children per woman.

The report said that in the last decade no European or North American countries had total fertility above 2.2 children per woman and only four (France, Iceland, Ireland and the United States of America) had levels above 2.0 children per woman.

Overall, total fertility was below 1.4 children per woman in about half of the developed countries.

A number of countries have experienced quite dramatic falls in fertility. One mentioned in the report was Iran. From 7.0 children per woman in 1985 by 2006 it had plummeted to 1.9 children woman.

Not surprisingly the report said that the proportion of governments that considered their fertility levels to be too low rose from 11% in 1976 to 26% in 2011.

So people have been having fewer babies in a trend that goes back to 1970. And how about those contraceptives?

As well, contraceptive use has risen since the 1970s in nine out of 10 countries with data available. The use of contraception among women aged 15 to 49 who are married or in a union increased in 88% of the 74 countries that the United Nations had information for.

Overall, the median level of contraceptive use was 61.2% in the period 2000 to 2011, and contraceptive prevalence remained below 10.0% in just three countries.

By 2011, the report observed, 93% of governments supported family planning programs and the distribution of contraceptives.

And during that time, we've had a huge increase in the availability of contraceptives and government promotion of fewer people in the world.

Yet global warming is still a huge problem? Geez Al, just how many humans do we have to get rid of before all this climate stuff gets fixed? We're trending as low as we've ever been. What more can we do to promote contraception? Forced sterilization?

And why is it only non-whiteys that are a problem? Have white people gone far enough down the road of demographic suicide that we need to take everyone else with us? Or are you essentially admitting that those particular groups represent some kind of problem? In other words, you are pretty much going all in with Margaret Sanger.

The man is a menace.

PS: For those who don't get the reference in the post title.

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